jeudi 16 octobre 2014

fun with probevue...

Today, we had a fun problem... Someone, or something is modifying /tmp on an AIX server, with chmod command (from 777 + sticky to 755 ).
Nothing in .sh_history, neither bash_history, so i decided to use a simple probevue script to catch the mouse :

darkstar:root:/home/moi# cat pvchmod

int chmod(char *buf, unsigned long size);


        __auto String arg[128];
        arg = get_userstring(__arg1, 128);
        if (arg == "/tmp")
                printf("%s sur %s ,pid => %d, ppid => %d , uid => %d \n",__pname,arg,__pid,__ppid, __uid) ;

simple command to send a mail, when mouse is in the box :

darkstar:root:/home/moi# probevue pvchmod | mail -s

and from another screen, i tryed to test the trap.

darkstar:root:/home/moi# chmod 755 /tmp

it, then, triggered the following mail :

chmod sur /tmp ,pid => 54460624, ppid => 3080846 , uid => 0

et voila !

mardi 7 janvier 2014

modify sharepool attributes on command line

to show resources of sharepools :

lshwres -r procpool -m Managed_System

to change max cpu on command line, for a given sharepool :

 chhwres -r procpool -m Managed_System -o s --poolname  Sharepool -a "max_pool_proc_units=1"