lundi 20 avril 2009

Who's disk is it ??

If you have a no pvid disk, defined in a partition, how do you find which one it is, on the VIO server ?
1) on the aix partition :
# lscfg -l hdiskX
=> hdiskX U8203.xx.... V3-
C2-T1-L810000.... Virtual...
2) Get the AIX client ID :
# uname -L
3 PartitonName
Partion ID
3) On which Vio server is running the partition :
Log on the HMC :
# lssyscfg -r sys -F name <= gives all the managed system names #lshwres -m
PowerName -r virtualio --rsubtype scsi --filter lpar_ids=3
Powersystem on which the partition is running
Partion ID in 2)

Remote Slot number
4) Log on the Vio Server (padmin)
# lsmap -all
note which adapter (
vhostX) is on the slot number 12
# lsmap -vadapter vhostX
=> the disk you are looking for, is the one with the Lun Id 810000 in 1)

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