mardi 14 septembre 2010

mksysb on one copy

If you have a system mirrored on two or three disks, and you want to restore it on a single disk system :
first create the :
edit to remove all hdisk1 and hdisk2 occurences

vi /

VG_SOURCE_DISK_LIST= hdisk0 hdisk1
LV_SOURCE_DISK_LIST= hdisk0 hdisk1
in each lv step, you must have copie=1

divide all PP per 2 or 3 (depends on the original copy number)  "PP= XX" ( PP number must be LV numbers)
Do a mksysb with
Generate new / file? à NO
Disable software packing of backup? à YES <= there is a bug in aix 5.2 which prevent reinstall sometimes, when packing is done...

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