jeudi 13 janvier 2011

Changing queue depth in the ODM

Prendre un disque USPV :

lsdev -Ccdisk
hdisk6  Available 04-01-02 Hitachi MPIO Disk USP V (Fibre)

reperer le type d'un disque :

odmget -q name=hdisk6 CuDv
        name = "hdisk6"
        status = 1
        chgstatus = 2
        ddins = "scsidisk"
        location = "04-01-02"
        parent = "fscsi1"
        connwhere = "W_1"
        PdDvLn = "disk/fcp/htcuspvmpio"

récuperer l'objet odm correspondant :

odmget -q "uniquetype=disk/fcp/htcuspvmpio and attribute=queue_depth" PdAt

        uniquetype = "disk/fcp/htcuspvmpio"
        attribute = "queue_depth"
        deflt = "2"
        values = "1-32,1"
        width = ""
        type = "R"
        generic = "UD"
        rep = "nr"
        nls_index = 30

Pour récupérer l'odm :

odmget -q "uniquetype=disk/fcp/htcuspvmpio  and attribute=queue_depth" PdAt |sed s/deflt\ =\ \"2\"/deflt\ =\ \"XX\"/g > /tmp/change_qd

Pour le changer

odmchange -o PdAt -q "uniquetype=disk/fcp/htcuspvmpio and attribute=queue_depth" /tmp/change_qd

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