mardi 22 mars 2011

Useful NPIV commands

 vfcmap -vadapter vfchostN -fcp fcsX

►  maps the virtual FC to the physical FC port

 vfcmap -vadapter vfchostN -fcp

►  un-maps the virtual FC from the physical FC port

 lsmap –all –npiv

►  shows the mapping of virtual and physical adapters and current status

 lsmap  –npiv –vadapter vfchostN

►shows same ofr one VFC

 lsdev -dev vfchost*

►  lists all available virtual Fibre Channel server adapters

 lsdev -dev fcs*

►  lists all available physical Fibre Channel server adapters

 lsdev –dev fcs*  -vpd

►  shows all physical FC adapter properties 


►  shows the Fibre Channel adapter NPIV readiness of the adapter and the SAN

 lscfg -vl fcsx

►  In AIX client lpar, shows virtual fibre channel properties

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