mercredi 4 août 2010

which ipc is holding a file open

If you cant unmount a fs due to an ipc :

server DB2 unmount file system
IPCS process still running ID instance is owned by DB2
ipcrm 0515-020 shmid ( was not found idnumber)
m 2097169 0xffffffff D-rw-rw-rw- udbpd030 db2iadm1

[root@mbhop5pdb2]/> ipcrm -m 2097169
ipcrm: 0515-020 shmid(2097169) was not found.

1) Use the new -S option on ipcs to obtain the shared memory segment ID.

# ipcs -mS

m 131075 0x00001a4c --rw------- root system

2) Verify that the svmon command is installed on the system. If not,install from the AIX installation CDs.

$ lslpp -l

3) Use the svmon command to find all processes attached to the shared memory segment.

# svmon -S 0x2b85 -l

Vsid Esid Type Description LPage Inuse Pin Pgsp Virtual
2b85 3 work shared memory segment - 656 0 0 656

This shared memory segment has only one process attached.

To remove this shared memory segment, you must first kill the process that is attached to the segment.
# kill 10862
# ipcrm -m 131075

1 commentaire:

  1. svmon -S $(ipcs -S | awk '{ print $1 }'|grep 0x) -j


    svmon -S $(ipcs -S | awk '{ print $1 }'|grep 0x) -l
